The Home of Christ Church in Newark – Summer Art Class 2018-2019
Open Enrollment:
繪畫班開課時間Art Class’s schedule:
Every Wednesday:
- A Class Age 8 to 12 5:00pm to 6:15pm Drawing pencil/Water-color painting
- B Class Age 5 to 7 6:30pm to 7:30pm Fine Art Basic on California Curriculum
Every Friday:
- A Class Age 5 to 7 5:30pm to 6:30pm Fine Art Basic on California Curriculum
- B Class Age 8 to 12 6:35pm to 7:35pm Fine Art Basic on California Curriculum
(*Friday art classes are specially matched to the AWANA program which starts at 8PM. Welcome AWANA students, if they feel interested in drawing.)
Tutoring Fee:
$20 per lessons (Total 15 lessons)
If parents form a group of art class by referral, class will be open instantly. Please contact with teacher Maureen for the details!
任教老師About Teachers:
- 李黃賜梅 Maureen Li 在湾區從事美術教育工作者有超過 25 年經驗。
- 她榮獲海外僑民學校教師20年銀質僑教榮譽章由中華民國僑務委員會盼發。
- 優良教師獎 2004, 2010, 2016 年由北加州中文學校聯合會盼發。
Maureen Li is an experienced art educator who has been teaching art for more than 25 years
in the Bay Area. She received Overseas Chinese Outstanding Teacher Awards 2012 presented by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Taiwan. 20 years services, Silver Metal Teaching Excellence Awards 2004, 2010, 2016 by Association of Northern California Chinese Schools
報名查詢Registration and information, please contact :
基督之家第六家 The Home of Christ Church in Newark
Address: 35483 Dumbarton Court, Newark, CA 94560
Tel.: Direct Contact: 510-366-7638
Email: maureenli@ymail.com
or visit website: www.hoc6.org click Chinese/art class绘画班