GLS20: The Pace of Grace

The following are notes from Mike Todd’s talk at #GLS20. Use them to help you apply the content you learned at the Summit.

  • Stride means to walk with long decisive steps in a specific direction.
  • Why are we walking if we can run?
  • Why don’t we get there faster?
  • The pace of walking lasts longer.
  • When you find the right pace, everything changes.
  • The pace of grace.
  • Is everything in your leadership moving at the same pace?
  • Do you have leadership unity?
  • Is your integrity, your health, your spirituality, your family, your character, your peace, your joy, and your fulfillment, are they working together in harmony, making a beautiful sound?
CONNECTION | Drumming:
  • Different parts going at once in union—synergy.
  • When you find the right pace, it’s easy for a team to follow you.
What have you been called to do?
  • What is that thing that wakes you up in the morning?
  • What is that thing that you are burdened with?
  • Stay on that thing with the level of pace that will be able to allow you to sustain.
  • We need leaders who will be here generation after generation changing the trajectory of the lives that have come before and lives that are coming after.
  • Sowing down the pace allows for mental and emotional availability.
  • Have margin in your life.
  • Find the pace that is sustainable and livable.
  • Poor pace produces missed moments, missed meaning and missed miracles.
If you do not find a pace, you will miss the moments that are supposed to bring joy.
  • You will miss the things you’re supposed to learn, the meaning that is supposed to be in it.
  • You’ll miss the miracles.
How do I set a new leadership pace?
1. Get A Vision
  • Get a vision of yourself rested and whole.
  • Vision is what you see when your eyes are closed.
  • Sight is what you see when your eyes are open.
2. Make It Visual
  • Write it down—nothing’s real until you write it down.
  • Write down the goal that, “This time next month, my pace is going to go to this. And this time, the month after that, by this time next year.”
  • Write it down, put it in your iPhone, put it on a tablet.
  • Once it becomes real, it’s written down.
3. Be Verbal
  • Tell somebody, “I’m changing my pace.”
  • Once you do that, don’t violate what you said.
  • The results are going to come.
  • Pace directly affects peace, and peace is true prosperity.
  • If you want true prosperity in your business and your life, you need peace.
  • If you need peace over a long period of time, you have to have a pace.
  • Success is not just where you end up, it’s how you get there.