How to Get your pastor and church board to love your club?

How to Get your pastor and church board to love your club

  1. Keep your pastor informed about what is happening in club, Especially celebrate the victories. It is the responsibility of the commander to keep the lines of communication open
  2. Lead clubbers to Christ. Effective evangelism invigorates the whole Body of CHrist. He loves hearing about salvation decisions in the church he shepherds.
  3. Involve Pastor, Associates, and Board members in club at least twice a year. Tag them each to a leader and let them watch your leaders minister to the clubbers.
  4. Involve Pastor in recruitment selection. Give Pastor unquestioned veto power over a person you would like to recruit.
  5. Keep the church’s Prayer Warriors informed about the needs of club and the clubbers first names and age. They would love to pray about your club and for your clubbers.
  6. Pastor/Commander develop/coordinate adult ministries for clubnight. Bible Studies for dad and mom fit real well with the goals of Awana
  7. Train pastor and Board about policies of your Awana Club. People who disagree with club policies often try end runs to the highest authority they can gripe to.
  8. Ask pastor to involve a leader’s testimony about ministering in Awana or leading a clubber to Christ (no clubber’s names) in a Sunday Service. Two or three times a year would be great.
  9. Encourage Pastor and Associates to attend an Awana Basic  Training.
  10. Give Pastor and outreach teams access to the new families/clubbers registration data for follow-up and/or evangelism.
  11. Involve Pastor in setting goals for next club year and reviewing evaluation of club at year’s end. Keep him informed


  1. If possible be visible before and after club. It is a great time to meet family members nad visitors.
  2. Involve Sunday’s congregation in praise for the good things that happen in club (do not use children’s name). Also, involve them in prayer about the needs of Awana club.
  3. Do NOT allow end runs.
  4. Don’t use the Board for issues until after you and the commander have talked and prayed about the issues.